Friday, December 31, 2010 PHOTO OF THE YEAR 2010 photo by Magdala This photo was taken by Magdala at the beginning of the summer during St. John's Picinic at Krakowski Square. Sunny we...
Thursday, December 30, 2010 SkyWatch Friday photo by Fio Smoke over St.Barbara's church. _________________________ Dymy nad kościolem św. Barbary. More outstanding photos of the ...
1975 500 Ireland Kelly photographers photography Tony Tony Kelly 3:06 PM Photographer #195: Tony Kelly Tony Kelly, 1975, Ireland, lives in Barcelona and works all over the world. He makes sexually charged photographes that are so bright in col...
1968 500 Braas Germany photographers photography Sonja Sonja Braas 3:06 PM Photographer #194: Sonja Braas Sonja Braas, 1968, Germany, lives and works in New York. In her series The Quiet of Dissolution Sonja shows us various natural catastrophes...
Tuesday, December 28, 2010 En el trineo... photo by auntie Fio ;-) Mi sobrina peruana por la primera vez en el trineo! Muchos besos querida. Estas muy valiente ;-) My little Peruvian...
1979 500 Ireland McDonnell photographers photography Ross Ross McDonnell 3:06 PM Photographer #193: Ross McDonnell Ross McDonnell, 1979, Ireland, is a photographer and filmmaker. In his series Joyrider he documented the youngsters in Ballymun, a suburb o...
Monday, December 27, 2010 Good morning sunshine... photo by PAK Morning sun in the city. ______________________ Poranne słońce w mieście.
1983 500 Carl Carl Kleiner Kleiner photographers photography Sweden 3:06 PM Photographer #192: Carl Kleiner Carl Kleiner, 1983, is a photographer from Sweden. He is most known for his still-life photography. For Ikea he made the images for a cookbo...
1954 500 Andessner Austria Irene Irene Andessner photographers photography Sunday, December 26, 2010 Photographer #191: Irene Andessner Irene Andessner, 1954, Austria, has been focusing on the self-portrait since 1988. In the beginning she realised her portraits through paint...
Saturday, December 25, 2010 Christmas Day photo by Magdala MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL OF US:-) _________________________________________________ Wesołych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia :-)
Thursday, December 23, 2010 Readiness for Christmas photo by Magdala Kłodnicka Street ready for Christmas. Are You ready? ____________________________ ul. Kłodnicka gotowa do świąt Bożego Na...
1965 500 Grob Marco Marco Grob photographers photography Switzerland 3:06 PM Photographer #190: Marco Grob Marco Grob, 1965, Switserland is a portrait and fashion photographer. He has photographed countless celebrities, from Obama to Clinton and f...
Wednesday, December 22, 2010 Nice, isn't it? photo by Magdala Barlickiego Street ______________ ul. Barlickiego
1992 500 Australia Hakanson Nirrimi Nirrimi Hakanson photographers photography 3:06 PM Photographer #189: Nirrimi Hakanson Nirrimi Hakanson, 1992, Australia is a very young photographer who started with photography at age 13. She is very productive, which is visi...
Tuesday, December 21, 2010 Snowy-sunny-foggy photo by Magdala Dworcowa Street and the biggest Christmas Tree in our city :-) _____________________________________________ ul. Dworcowa ...
1969 500 Francesco Francesco Giusti Giusti Italy photographers photography 3:06 PM Photographer #188: Francesco Giusti Francesco Giusti, 1969, Italy, is a freelance documentary photographer. He made documentary work in many countries, from his homeland Italy ...
Monday, December 20, 2010 At night photo by Marzena Our renovated Market Square. Thank You for the photo Marzena! _______________________________________ Rynek- po remoncie. D...
1958 500 Jansson Mikael Mikael Jansson photographers photography Sweden 3:06 PM Photographer #187: Mikael Jansson Mikael Jansson, 1958, Sweden is a fashion and celebrity photographer. He has shot campaigns for clients as DKNY, Dior and Calvin Klein. He a...
Sunday, December 19, 2010 Look at the roof :-) photo by Magdala 'Piastowski' Castle and lots of pigeons sitting on the roof ___________________________________________ Zameczek P...
1984 500 Max Maxwell Snow photographers photography Snow USA 3:06 PM Photographer #186: Maxwell Snow Maxwell Snow, 1984, USA, is a young photographer who's works are not always easy to digest. For his project It's Fun to do Bad Thing...
2:33 PM Weekend Reflections photo by Magdala Feeding tits... See lots of various interesting reflections, click here:
Friday, December 17, 2010 The art of survival... photos by Magdala Winter- hard time both for pigeons and other birds in the city. __________________________________________ Zima- ciężki ok...
1:35 PM SkyWatch Friday at winter night photo by Magdala The view from my window towards St Barbara's Church. It's snowy, it's frosty, it's almost winter in Gliwice...
1981 500 Dhervillers France Nicolas Nicolas Dhervillers photographers photography Thursday, December 16, 2010 Photographer #185: Nicolas Dhervillers Nicolas Dhervillers, 1981, France, is a photographer that keeps fooling it's viewers. What appears as reality is actually a fabricated r...