1968 500 Delcour France photographers photography Sabine Sabine Delcour 3:06 PM Photographer #303: Sabine Delcour Sabine Delcour, 1968, France, is a landscape photographer working and living in Paris. With a large-scale camera she makes very clear and sh...
1979 500 photographers photography Sorochinsky Ukraine Viktoria Viktoria Sorochinski 3:06 PM Photographer #302: Viktoria Sorochinski Viktoria Sorochinski, 1979, Ukraine, is a photographer who mixes documentary photography with fiction. She works and lives in New York City ...
Sunday, May 29, 2011 Baubisa photo by Fio A small gift shop "Baubisa" at Plebańska street. A real paradise for handicraft lovers! _____________________________...
1969 500 Grannan Katy Katy Grannan photographers photography USA 3:06 PM Photographer #301: Katy Grannan Katy Grannan, 1969, USA, is a conceptual portrait photographer who lives and works in California. She received a BA at the University of Pen...
Saturday, May 28, 2011 Weekend Reflections photo by Fio Górne Wały street in coloured windows _________________________________________ Ulica Górnych Wałów w kolorowych oknach. A może...
Friday, May 27, 2011 Have a good weekend! photo by Fio Kopernik settlement on the horizon. _______________________ Na horyzoncie osiedle Kopernika
Thursday, May 26, 2011 SkyWatch Friday photo by Fio Blue sky over Zwyciestwa street and... city monitoring cameras above us. _____________________________ Błekit nieba nad ulicą Z...
1968 500 Canada Lyle Lyle Owerko Owerko photographers photography 3:06 PM Photographer #300: Lyle Owerko Lyle Owerko, 1968, Canada, is a portrait and documentary photographer working and living in New York. He studied at the Pratt Institute in N...
1970 500 France Guillaume Guillaume Herbaut Herbaut photographers photography 3:06 PM Photographer #299: Guillaume Herbaut Guillaume Herbaut, 1970, France, is a documentary photographer with a vast amount of projects and stories in his portfolio. He has been to t...
Tuesday, May 24, 2011 Painted photo by Fio Kłodnicka street - painted by Zbigniew Suchański and taken by Fio. __________________________________________________ Ulica Kł...
1964 500 Dana Dana Lixenberg Lixenberg Netherlands photographers photography 3:06 PM Photographer #298: Dana Lixenberg Dana Lixenberg, 1964, The Netherlands, lives and works in New York and Amsterdam. She studied photography at the London College of Printing ...
Monday, May 23, 2011 Green devils photo by PAK Our green devils in the morning fog. __________________________ Nasze (wciąż...) zielone diabełki w porannej mgle.
1968 500 Eugenio Eugenio Recuenco photographers photography Recuenco Spain 3:06 PM Photographer #297: Eugenio Recuenco Eugenio Recuenco, 1968, Spain, is a fashion photographer with a unique style and a large and impressive portfolio. His cinematographic and p...
Sunday, May 22, 2011 In blossom... photo by PAK Rzeźniczy Square in blossom. _______________________ Plac Rzeźniczy na kwitnąco.
1971 500 Aroch Guy Guy Aroch Israel photographers photography 3:06 PM Photographer #296: Guy Aroch Guy Aroch, 1971, Israel, focuses on fashion, beauty and celebrity photography. In 1988 he moved to New York to persue a career in photograph...
Saturday, May 21, 2011 Coloured ornament photo by Magdala Sobieskiego Street. __________________ ul. Sobieskiego.
Friday, May 20, 2011 Owl, frog and company photos by Magdala There are also: a snail, a fly, a spider and a crayfish. But where are they? And this is our today's puzzle :-) ______...
Thursday, May 19, 2011 SkyWatch Friday photo by Magdala Barlickiego Street. Late afternoon yesterday. ____________________________________ ul. Barlickiego wczoraj, późnym popołudn...
1967 500 Dimitris Dimitris Triantafyllou Greece photographers photography Triantafyllou 3:06 PM Photographer #295: Dimitris Triantafyllou Dimitris Triantafyllou, 1967, Greece, studied physics and mathematics and even received an MA in Biophysics. He also studied photography at ...
Wednesday, May 18, 2011 Beside the park photo by Magdala Sienkiewicza Street. Calm and quiet street in the middle of the town :-) __________________________________________________...
1985 500 Dorothee Dorothee Smith France photographers photography Smith 3:06 PM Photographer #294: Dorothée Smith Dorothée Smith, 1985, France, is a young conceptual photographer who studied at the Ecole Nationale Superieure de la Photographie in Arles. ...