Friday, September 30, 2011 OCTOBER THEME DAY : Mystery Object photo by Fio Tajemnicze znalezisko z ulicy Zwycięstwa. Czy ktos wie do czego to służy? :-) _________________________________________________...
Thursday, September 29, 2011 SkyWatch Friday photo by Beata Juz jesień nieodwołalnie. Mglisty poranek z dziesiątego piętra bloku na Sikorniku.
1968 500 Japan Ken Ken Kitano Kitano photographers photography 3:06 PM Photographer #390: Ken Kitano Ken Kitano, 1968, Japan, is a conceptual photographer who uses long exposures and piles images on top of each other to create a new photogra...
1979 500 China Lin Lin Zhipeng photographers photography Zhipeng 3:06 PM Photographer #389: Lin Zhipeng Lin Zhipeng aka NO.223, 1979, China, is a photographer based in Beijing who works in a very intuitive fashion. His photography shows the Chi...
1978 500 Boske Kim Kim Boske Netherlands photographers photography 3:06 PM Photographer #388: Kim Boske Kim Boske, 1978, The Netherlands, is an experimental photographer based in Amsterdam. She studied at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague. ...
1984 500 Elliott photographers photography Sarah Sarah Elliott USA 3:06 PM Photographer #387: Sarah Elliott Sarah Elliott, 1984, USA, is a young, engaged and very productive photojournalist. She received a BFA in Photography at the Parson's Sch...
Sunday, September 25, 2011 Medieval Market 1. photo by KSL Dwa tygodnie temu, pod Muzeum Piastowskim rozgościł się Jarmark Księcia Siemowita. Atrakcji było co nie miara - walki rycerzy...
1966 500 Great-Britain Learoyd photographers photography Richard Richard Learoyd 3:06 PM Photographer #386: Richard Learoyd Richard Learoyd, 1966, UK, graduated in Fine Art Photography at the Glasgow School of Art. He has a very unique way of working which creates...
Friday, September 23, 2011 Floral decoration photo by Magdala Pszczyńska Street. Wow! Our floral train has grown out and now, at the beginning of autumn, it looks very decorative, doesn...
12:40 PM SkyWatch Friday photos by Magdala Late afternoon. The sky over Dolnej Wsi Street :-) _________________________________________________ Późne popołudnie. Nie...
1971 500 Chris Chris McCaw McCaw photographers photography USA Thursday, September 22, 2011 Photographer #385: Chris McCaw Chris McCaw, 1971, USA, received a BFA in photography at the Academy of Art in San Francisco. He works on his photography using a large-form...
Wednesday, September 21, 2011 Number 25 photo by Magdala Dolnych Wałów 25.One of many old staircases. In the background- a fragment of defensive walls. ____________________________...
1970 500 Hondius Juul Juul Hondius Netherlands photographers photography 3:06 PM Photographer #384: Juul Hondius Juul Hondius, 1970, The Netherlands, studied at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts in The Hague. At first glance his photographs look like docum...
Tuesday, September 20, 2011 House with a tower photo by Magdala Zygmunta Starego Street. A house in which Tadeusz Różewicz lived (1949-1968). ___________________________________________...
1966 500 Greenfield Lauren Lauren Greenfield photographers photography USA 3:06 PM Photographer #383: Lauren Greenfield Lauren Greenfield, 1966, USA, is a documentary photographer and film-maker. She is widely known for her work involving youth culture. She re...
Monday, September 19, 2011 Musician photo by Magdala The figure says: take part in the earthenware workshop of 'Stowarzyszenie Forum Ceramików' and you will learn how t...
1977 500 Belgium Cedric Cédric Gerbehaye Gerbehaye photographers photography 3:06 PM Photographer #382: Cédric Gerbehaye Cédric Gerbehaye, 1977, Belgium, was trained as a journalist who chose photography as his medium to tell his stories. In 2002 he started to ...
Sunday, September 18, 2011 Stone bench photo by Magdala A stone bench with charming figures on both sides. Unfortunately, somebody has decided to make it uglier. _________________...
1969 500 Almagul Almagul MEnlibayeva Kazakhstan Menlibayeva photographers photography 3:06 PM Photographer #381: Almagul Menlibayeva Almagul Menlibayeva, 1969, Kazakhstan, is a fine-art photographer and video artist who works and lives in Berlin and Kazakhstan. She studied...
Saturday, September 17, 2011 Weekend Reflections photos by Magdala Daszyńskiego Street. You are welcome to visit us after our long holiday break! __________________________________________...